Investing long-term
– during market slumps

Updated 01/2022


We all face stressful times when markets change abruptly – but all crises tend to pass.

Let’s look how to handle investing, in a way that makes sense. 😊👋

What’s the reason for the current market turbulances?

  • The ongoing political conflict between Russia and Ukraine and consequences it might bring

  • Potential actions to bring down inflation in the US

  • Upcoming crypto currency debates regarding their regulation

  • Again, more restrictions around the world due to the Omicron mutation


Top actions to take for you

Tips to check up on as a long-term investor or to follow when getting started. 🤓

1. Only invest money you don’t need

The golden rule for all times: make sure your finances are stable and you can leave investments grow over time. Always keep 3-6 months of salary saved in cash for a rainy day. This way you won’t have to touch your investments while markets are taking a dip!

2. Stick to your plan

Are you set up with a savings plan? Right now, that’s great! Don’t fret over timing. Investing your money regularly, monthly at best, will allow you to buy more when markets drop and investments are cheap.

3. “Diversify”: Spread your investments broadly

With “ETFs” (Exchange Traded Funds, used at Selma), you invest in many different things at once. Selma also builds your portfolio to make sure you are invested in markets around the globe and across different asset classes.

+ Prepare emotionally! 🎢

Brace yourself: when investing during turbulent times, you’ll see some dips also in the beginning.


"Wash your hands. Ignore the markets. Don’t touch your face. And don’t touch your stocks."

Annie Lowrey / The Atlantic


What’s happened on the markets since the COVID-19 crises started?


Check out these latest Selma market updates! 😊


A summary of 2021 – looking back at markets of the last year.

What are the top investing principles we can take with us from 2021?

Corona, crypto and inflation! What happened in the beginning of 2021

What influenced markets in the first half of 2021? And what happened with crypto currencies?

Looking back at 2020 – market update and yearly recap

An overview of all news and happenings throughout the most turbulent of years.


September 2020 - market update:

The coronavirus and what may lie ahead

Let’s direct our sight towards a (hopefully) rosy autumn season.


May 2020 - market update: Looking back at a rollercoaster ride

Find how markets are adjusting and what Selma does to keep your investments in shape.


March 2020 - market update: The coronavirus reigns our lives and markets

The coronavirus makes investors around the world nervous. Find out how Selma manages your money during a crisis.


Februray 2020 - market update: : Should I be worried about my investments?

With the coronavirus in the headlines everyday, markets took a dip in February 2020.

How precious metals work as investments

Find out why Selma includes precious metals in your plan and how you can benefit from them during a crisis.


Just getting started?


Remember: investing is for the long run! 😎

1. Chat with Selma to learn about your financial situation. 💪

2. Get your investment plan that fits you.

3. Start investing in pillar 3a and/or long-term investments online.


If I start now, do I invest in steps or all at once?

Annoying answer: there's no one answer. 🤓


Investing all at once

is a bit of a “hit or miss” method, but tempting when markets dip. Today the stocks might be cheap – tomorrow, even cheaper.


Investing in steps

eases the burden of guessing whether this one day is the right day or not. If you follow a savings plan – stick to it and keep on buying.

The idea of the step-wise investing (dollar-cost-average) is that buying on different days brings more chances to “buy at the right time”.

Step-wise investing is called dollar-cost-averaging

The idea of the step-wise investing (dollar-cost-average) is that buying in steps brings more opportunities to “buy well”.

Setting up a monthly investment plan is another way to put the principle of step-wise investing into real life.

To compare, imagine making monthly add-ups over a year. That’s 12 chances to hit “good timing”. Now imagine doing that over 10, 20, 30 years. 😊



Selma handles everything for you

max. 0.68 % per year + product costs.

staff-and-banks copy-hor.png

Secure bank accounts
in your name. Your money is kept safe by Selma’s partner banks.

Move pillar 3a freely
to or from another pillar 3a investment provider.

When you really feel unsafe,
Selma can sell your investments at no extra costs.

Get support online
Ping the Selma crew via live chat with any question. 👋



First of all, reach out to the Selma crew via live chat or email and talk to them about your plans. That way, you can learn more about a safe time frame. They will also assist you in taking out money and send the appropriate forms for you to sign. Withdrawing money is free of charge.

Good to know 💡

The most important factor to minimize risks is to stay invested for a long time. If you really need money right now, think if you can get the money from a different savings amount – do you maybe have a savings account you could take the money out of?

  1. Look at your investor profile, go through your information, and make sure everything is up-to-date. In case your updates affect how you should invest, Selma automatically updates your plan.
  2. Reach out in live chat to talk to your Selma crew.
  3. If you want to have an expert look at your situation in detail, book a free check-up with one of Selma’s experts.
  • Go to and start by chatting with Selma.
  • Get your individual investment plan that fits your financial life and the risks you should take.
  • Choose to open your account – either a normal investment account, or a pillar 3a account to save for retirement.
  • Verify your identity and sign the contracts. This happens online and only takes around 5 minutes.
  • Once the account is ready (within 1-2 working days), add money.
  • Here, Selma automatically takes over and starts investing.